Luke, Miriam holding Micah, Cameron & Levi
Cute Micah face
Micah & me
Levi Bevi
Miriam's smile :)
Cheetos fingers
Micah's ghetto face
Luke & Micah sliding
Me & Eric on the slide
Cameron posing on the pole
Sara sliding
Luke on the hippo
Levi sliding
Micah on the train with Mommy
Miriam on the train
Luke on the train
Sara & Luke on the train
Scary faces in the tunnel (Micah's face is priceless)
Eric's scary face in the tunnel
Pwincess Weia (as Miriam says it)
Going Trick-or-Treating as the Star Wars Clan
Levi as a jedi in training, Miriam as Princess Leia, Micah as an Ewok,
Luke as Luke Skywalker, and Cameron as Darth Vader
Micah's cute Ewok face
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